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Ruffin Distinguished Visiting Artist Marisa Williamson returns to UVA to continue the work begun during her residence in the spring of 2018. 

The Hope and the Dream of the Slave: A Walking Tour
2 PM Sunday Sept 30 or 4 PM Sunday Sept 30.
The Hope and the Dream of the Slave: A walking tour is designed as a living monument to Sally Hemings. Walking in her imagined footsteps, the tour will highlight a selection of existing monuments and local histories through performance and creative practice.
Participants will be encouraged to do a close reading of the built environment as a material text into which the structures of the colonial era can be read and critiqued. 
The tour will proceed along a 1-mile route with stops along the way, beginning at the Colonnade Club. 
The Hope and the Dream of the Slave: A Public Talk and book launch
5:30 PM Tuesday Oct 2, the Rotunda
Artist Marisa Williamson invites the community to join her in building something new out of historical material. Expanding on the concept of the living monument, this performative lecture on the afterlife and legacy of the persona of Sally Hemings, is an introduction to new work. Picking up where the artist’s spring residency work left off, The Hemings Foundation is a reparative program. It serves also as the launch for Postcard Book: The Ghost of Thomas Jefferson.